For the Love of Learning
The Way We View Children
The Way We View Children Ryan, ALC Facilitator on viewing children as humans, rather than candidates for humanity.
Teaching vs Facilitating
Teaching vs. Facilitating Abby, ALC Facilitator on about the difference between teaching in traditional schools and facilitating in an ALC.
Hackschooling Makes Me Happy
A 13 year old homeschooler, Logan LaPlante, describes how he hacks his own education to create the life he wants for himself.
The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
An articulate RSA Animate of Dan Pink’s famous talk.
What If We Trusted You?
A great talk by Jerry Michalski about how traditional schools are set up around the belief that children do not want to learn.
Changing Education Paradigms
An RSA Animate of another great Ken Robinson talk on Education.
Do schools kill creativity? – Sir Ken Robinson
Self-Directed Learning Fundamentals – Peter Gray
Agile Programming for the Family
Bruce Feiler’s TED Talk about using Agile principles in managing and creating culture in your family.
Want to Innovate? Become a Now-ist
Joi Ito, director of MIT Media Lab, discusses how being Agile helps you become more innovative in the moment, a skill that is more relevant in the digitally connected 21st Century.
What if more people were happy?
Nancy Tilton, founder of ALC Mosaic shares her journey of starting an ALC and her commitment to cultivating more happiness in the world.
What if schools were actually collaborative?
Tomis Parker, Agile Learning Centers co-founder gives a short talk on building collaborative schools.